Friday, August 12, 2011

I’m Such a Punk

I realized today that I’m an accidental punk. I have a hoop in my nose, my lip pierced, and a bloodied body from a longboarding accident. If that doesn’t scream punk, I don’t know what does. Oh, and I have two tattoos, not real ones (don’t worry, Mom), but rather two temporary ones. I decided to spruce up the gore of my 3-year-old-look-alike knees with two shiny fairy tatts. I like to think of them as my tiny guardian angels. Although, I’m already injured, so guardian fail.

With this injury, I experience a different kind of pain every day. Yesterday was bad. I tried bandaging my right knee with “non-stick” bandages a day earlier, wrapped it in gauze, and slept on it. The next day I went to undue what I thought was a very nicely done bandaging job and the so-called-non-stick bandage had become part of my wound. That’s right, the bandage went transformer status on me and morphed into my puss-filled knee. My roommates, Wendy & Alison, stood beside me as we debated that whole “rip it off like a band aide” theory. I went for it and howled bloody murder as a few tears escaped from my eyes. The wound, which had only oozed puss until this point, started dripping deep red blood. Yowzers. It’s safe to say I stopped using that “non-stick” stuff after that.

Those very same roommates who stood by me as I unveiled my bloody wound, have listened to me gripe about the pain for 6 days now, and have bought me ice cream & bandages, also went ahead and washed my truck today. Aren’t they the best? I’m surrounded by the most loving people even in my week of incessant complaining.

Also, I finished that book, the one that told me to get off the couch and make my day memorable. It was good. Although, I must admit I was slightly bitter during the last 50 pages or so since the very book that urged me to get off the couch also caused me to be couch-ridden for nearly a week. Now that's irony, my friends. After finishing the novel, I watched the newest episode of Jersey Shore. I figured I'd been prestigious enough in finishing that book, so I had to balance it out with a little crap TV.  

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