Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Come on baby, make it hurt so good! Sometimes [running] don’t feel like it should.

Please excuse the cheesy title remix, but that song is on a CD in my truck…and I ran today*! It was my first time running in about a month (I’m aware it’s only been three weeks since my wee little incident, but I didn’t feel like running the week before that). While I was couch-ridden, I never wanted to run more in my life simply because I couldn’t. The human mind is a crazy thing. And today I was motivated. I am able to fully bend my knee, and I’ve been moving across town for the last four days fairly capably, so I figured no better time than the present. Slight problem: it was about 90 degrees. Between my lack of exercise/movement for the last month and the heat of the day, I only made it a mile. But still, I ran! Woot! I consider that one small step for Running Kate, and one giant leap for Healing Kate.    

*I ran & started writing this blog entry on Saturday, which is not today, but I didn’t publish this until now and I was too lazy to change the word “today” as well as any tenses. However, I am never too lazy to add an asterisk.  

In other accomplishment news, I’m almost entirely moved into my new house. This new house is only about two miles away from the old house, but it’s in a completely different town and zip code. I lived in the old place for three years during college and it was the best place ever. That might sound like an exaggeration, but I really believe it. It was close to campus, plenty spacious for college living, had uber affordable rent, was in a college-y neighborhood, we only had to call Handyman Glen on a few occasions, and, most importantly, that place housed countless memories from my college career. I tallied it up the other day and realized I’ve lived with eight different girls in that house. EIGHT. That’s craziness. Pretty much every female I really, truly befriended during college ended up in that house at some point in time. Anywho, all this rambling is to say I’m going to deeply miss that place. It treated me well during my college years. I can’t wait to grow up and eventually drag my own kids back to Monmouth and tell them all the famous stories of my 547 Catron St. townhouse. Ahhh, reminiscing in the future. 

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