Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Life as Compared to Indiana Jones

My dad and I went to see Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Arc in IMAX recently, and as I sat engulfed in Indy’s original premiere, it occurred to me that I am Indiana Jones. Ok maybe not. But I did find some of his more famous lines and memorable adventures to be relatable to my current life situation. 

You see, I recently bought a plane ticket to Thailand. I leave mid-October to meet up with my oldest friend, Chelsea, who is teaching English there now. I hope to teach over there as well. In theory, I have a job lined up. In theory, I should get some official paperwork done before I go. In theory, I should have more of a plan. In reality, to quote Indiana Jones, “I’m making this up as I go.” With that one-liner in mind, I’m basically a female version of the icon.

But here’s the snag in my otherwise flawless comparison, while Indy’s religion is archeology, mine is God. So while I may not have whip-handling skills that will save me from countless attempted assassins, nor do I have George Lucas writing my ever-heroic life, I do have a God I can trust to write my never-failing story. So fear not blog readers, my adventure as the female Indy will turn out just fine (actually, it’ll turn out even better because at least the love affair in my story will last longer than one movie in a trilogy). Stay tuned to find out how The Author fulfills my Thai tales.  

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