About two months ago I signed up for a race. This was pre longboarding accident and also right when I was in the thick of reading that book that caused me to go on the fateful longboard ride. That booked really screwed me up, but I still recommend it. Anyway, so a couple months ago, mid motivating book, I was inspired to sign up for an organized run. I thought about being ambitious and pushing for a 10k, but then I chickened out and signed up for the 5k run/walk. I’ve run 5ks in the past and I do 3 mile loops fairly regularly, so in theory this wasn’t supposed to be a difficult run, but then I went and effed up my knees and stopped running for a month. Oops. Subconsciously I think I signed up for the 5k because I knew I’d eat it somewhere between registration and race day.
Enough lead up, on to the real story: today was race day. I woke up at 6:00am sharp, ate a psych up breakfast of multi-grain cheerios, changed into my prearranged race outfit, and I was out the door by 6:45. I made it to the race location at 7:12am, which I thought was good timing because online it said registration was from 7-8am. Turns our the 5k wasn’t scheduled to start until 9:00am. Yeah. In the world of runners, 5kers are a joke. There were three different runs with three different start times: a half marathon with an 8am start time, a 10k with an 8:30 start time, and then the 5k at 9:00am. This makes complete sense to start the race in such a staggered fashion as to attempt to get all the runners to finish at around the same time, but really it just felt like the race was for half marathoners, the 10kers were semi-respected, and then it was like “oh, yeah, you left over old people and moms with strollers can run in circles if you want after all the real runners clear out.” At least, this was how I felt for my painstakingly long hour and 48 minute wait between arrival and race time. Although, I can’t say I wasn’t entertained during those near two hours. The race was for Habitat for Humanity and it was staffed by the most hilarious elderly people. As I was going to get my bib and free stuff from a table of four adorable grey-haired women, an intense half marathon girl was in front of me and asked them in an all-business tone, “where’s the start line?” The women looked at each other, chuckled in that hearty old lady way, and one responded, “oh honey, you expect us to know that?” That intense girl seemed frustrated, but she ended up winning the half marathon for females, so I guess she found the start line. I just hope she ran off some of her aggression. I was also entertained by the elderly announcer man. He announced the entire day like it was the Olympics, or something else of high importance. He also had a massive white fluffy dog with him, and when the race got really hard later on I wished I could ride his dog instead of run.
Speaking of me running, I should probably speed this up and get to the part where I actually do that. Ok, so after the half marathoners triumphantly strode off, and the 10kers trotted after them, and waaaay after my multi-grain cheerios wore off, it was finally time for us 5kers to start. I positioned myself behind a mom with a stroller and next to a woman well into her sixties. A guy rang a cowbell (which I didn’t particularly care for since it made me feel like a fat farm animal) and we were off. The course began on a slight incline that evened out onto a nice, flat, shaded road. After rounding the first corner, a volunteer was standing at the base of large gravel hill. I thought, “oh good, I’m glad she’s there to keep us from accidentally going up that steep hill, that’d suck if someone accidentally did that.” But I was wrong. That woman was the devil. She directed us straight up the steep grade and did so with a cheery smile that said “I’m glad it’s you and not me, suckas.” I continued up the hill at a snail’s pace, but my goal during runs (since I’m neither fast, nor a distance runner) is to always keep running and never walk. So even though it was probably the same pace as a walk, I did my best attempt to imitate a jog the whole way up. Somewhere after the hill and before the finish line, I became a beotch of a runner. I kept doing this annoying thing where I’d tuck in behind someone, stay awkwardly on their heels, and then pass them after too many minutes of stalking behind them. I ended up doing this on the last stretch of the run behind that same older woman I started next to. She was an excellent pacer and motivation. But then I left her in the dust once the finish line was in sight. Suck on that, grandma (I don’t mean that, in all honesty I wanted to hug her at the end and thank her for pacing me, but I resisted because I thought it’d be sweaty and awkward). My other motivation at the finish line was my support crew: my roommates Wendy & Alison. They showed up just after I started the race, cheered me on at the end, and then went out to breakfast with me afterward. They’re the best.
Oh, this is out of place, but at the halfway point on the run there was a water stand and even though it’s only three miles and my body didn’t technically need water I decided to grab it because it was there and a smiley old woman was offering it to me. This was a bad idea. I choked on the water and spat it everywhere. Luckily, I survived and prevailed because I ended up getting 3rd in my gender/age division…I think. I’m not actually sure if I read the results correctly. Meh, you people will never know, in which case I GOT FIRST PLACE FOR EVERYTHING EVER!!
Overall it was a good experience, one worth noting, but not necessarily one worth repeating. I’m simply not a runner. I don’t love waking up early, I don’t love the pre-race jitters, I don’t love slipping up gravel hills or choking on water, and I just don’t love running. I like it, we’re in a healthy relationship, but I’m just not ready to make the commitment to declare myself a runner. I do, however, love the race paraphernalia.
It was worth it for all the goods.